- Animals - From finding a home for abandoned pets, campaigning for their welfare and rights, supporting the wildlife conservation, fighting against animal extinction or protecting endangered species, the activities under this cause aim to to help animals.
Example: Dog walking by ESN SUA and ESN UKF
„We decided to help to the best friends of humans - dogs. We took them from the shelter to near forest, played and had fun with them. We could feel their love and how thankful they are, we decided to come back soon.“ – Katarína Dvorská, ESN UKF
- Disasters - Every year thousands of people are affected by natural and man-made disasters that have disastrous consequences and leave lasting damage that requires years to repair. Whether it is in health, food, shelter, water, technical assistance, sanitation or other areas, these activities aim to help the community in need.
Example: Uniting for refugees by ESN Évora
Contribute to refugee relief efforts by involving young citizens in campaigns that create a long-term impact in the communities in need.
- Discrimination - Discrimination has been used as a powerful weapon, encouraging fear or hatred towards others, not only in times of conflict and war but also in people’s everyday life. Whether it is race, culture gender, religion, disabilities or other small differences, individuals who have stood against equal rights will always find an excuse to make a physical or psychological harm in other people. The activities under the discrimination stand up for the human rights and the wellbeing of everyone.
Example: Freeze – SocialErasmus by ESN Czech Republic
„The event idea was based on the flashmob type "Freeze". Means that for a defined amount of time the participants were frozen in their current position. The SocialErasmus Idea, which included all tasks, was that the participants were a mix of ESNers and Erasmus and were holding signs during their freeze. Those signs were with messages to raise awareness of global problems of all kinds, to increase the reach those signs were made in english and czech.“ – Eliška Forsterová, ESN Liberec
- Education - Often being the root of the problem, a lack of education can lead to crime, poverty, drug use and other many social issues. From ideas with children to elderly people, the organisation of these activities can contribute to empower society with knowledge and to advocate for better educational conditions and access.
Example: Erasmus in school by ESN Košice
„We visited a Medical and Educational Sanatorium with a group of Erasmus students. We prepared program for them like first we introduced ourselfs to them, then we played a game for release the atmosphere and then our Erasmus students prepared presentations about their country. We had students from Italy, Spain and Bosnia. In the end we sang to them in spanish and italian language and then we made a social photo.“ – Janka Tóthová, ESN Košice
- Environment - Environmental issues such as climate change, pollution and environmental degradation are harmful effects of human activity. Research shows that humanity is living unsustainably. These activities address environmental issues and contribute to a green world.
Example: ECO Košice by ESN Košice
„We were collaborating with a local enviromental organisation Košakt, o.z., to help to clean part of Košice area called Bankov. Even if we were only 3 of us, from which 2 of us were Erasmus students, we did a really good job. We were walking in a forest area and looking for some garbage left by irresponsible people. We filled 4 bags of garbage in 3 hours. So you can imagine that our Earth needs more activities like this. We have combined this activty with a fresh walk and with a beautiful view of autumn time. It wasn't so hard work and we really enjoyed it I can say for all of us. I hope we will collaborate more with this kind of organisation and will help to clean our Earth.“ –Janka Tóthová, ESN Košice
- Health - Accessibility of healthcare, low education and unhealthy behaviours tied to social traditions and values are some of the reasons why health is also a social issue and not only a medical issue. People with problems related to physical activity and nutrition, underweight or obesity, tobacco, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS and birth defects or any other diseases can receive support through this cause.
Example: Blood donation by ESN Košice
„This activity was for those with a big heart. Those who gave the most precious liquid they have for those who really need it. To be honest I was a few times in blood donation but until now I have never donated. I'm so happy finally I could donate and it was amazing feeling. I'm so proud of Erasmus students who join to us and did a very good job.“ – Janka Tóthová, ESN Košice
- Poverty - A lack of food or sufficient recourses are, sadly, still ever present in the world. Whether poverty results from your position on the social ladder or external circumstances, These activities aim to relieve famine and reach out to those in need.
Example: Clothes donation by ESN UNIZA
„Our students were asked to bring all the stuff and clothes they would not fit into their luggage with the goal of donating those goods to orphanage in Necpaly, Slovakia. The event was highly successful, around 21 kilograms of stuff was donated and then successfuly sent to orphanage by mail.“ - Patrícia Kollárová, ESN UNIZA
- Violence - Whether it is domestic violence or violence against minorities or sexes, it is never excusable. These activities stand against the presence of violence in the community.
Example : Helping in the House of St. Elizabeth by ESN UMB BB
„House of St. Elizabeth is for abused women and children in Banská Bystrica. We came there to help them with cleaning the area around the house before winter will come. 15 erasmus students were helping there and they were happy for it.“ - Barbora Osvaldová, ESN UMB BB
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