NSIC - Eva Vargová socialinclusion@esn.sk
Hey guys, Eva here!
My ESN story started when I joined the local ESN section in the city where I live and study, Košice, back in 2015 and enjoyed being a buddy for a year. After returning from the study exchange in Vilnius, Lithuania, I became more active while continuing my medical studies and eventually was elected as the local Project Coordinator, taking care of the SocialErasmus, ExchangeAbility and Mov'in Europe projects. At the end of my section mandate I applied for the National Social Inclusion Coordinator position – and here I am!
The Social Inclusion cause for me is the very essence of the Erasmus+ programme. Becoming a part of local community, getting to know the country you are staying in - no matter if you’re Erasmus or ESN, having an impact; and making all this possible for everyone! It is a truly wonderful experience and I am grateful to have got a chance to be a part of it.
STUBA SIC - Martina Piatriková stuba.si@esn.sk

CU SIC - Katarína Kokošková cu.si@esn.sk
I am Katarina from Bratislava. I spent my Erasmus in lovely Warsaw in Poland during my last year of studies. I could know the ESN there and with any hesitation I simply joined this amazing organisation in Slovakia and became the active member of ESN Comenius University Bratislava. I can say that I never regret this decision. As usual I started to help with some events, mainly specialised in sports, cookings and local trips and lastly but not least some social events. I still believe in helping people, animals, in cleaner and accessible world environment to everybody. Because we should judge people with no regards to any kind of disability or another illness. Therefore as former national coordinator it is a pleasure to leave a mark, understand the social feelings between Erasmus students in Bratislava.
EUBA SIC - Monika Tisoňová eu.si@esn.sk
Hello guys!
My name is Monika and I am from small village on south of Slovakia, called Tomášovce. ☺
Three years ago I decided to go study to our capital city, Bratislava where I study University of Economics on Faculty of trade. My classmate was telling me about ESN life and events what they organised with our erasmus students. It sounds so awesome. So on the second year of my studying I decided to join Esn organization. I can say it was the best thing what I decided to do.
First year I was helpful with everything, but I saw that erasmus students are thinking that Esn is just party organization and I really do not like it. I wanna show them It is not just about party but they should leave mark of erasmus. Because I like helping people, animals and want to make world better place I decided to candinated to Social Inclusion Coordinator for academic year 2018/2019. I want to me and also erasmus students leave some mark and good impact on our community.
NR SIC - Monika Malická nitra.si@esn.sk
Hello, my name is Monika. I know about ESN many years thanks to my older friends, but I joined ESN in my second year on SUA in Nitra. I started as an active member and after maybe one and half month I became local Communication Manager and I was more active than before. I was totally everywhere. After my the first SE MYCM in Pardubice I became more interested in this and as CM I started to create posters with SE theme. From that moment I knew that I want to be a part of SI. After two years in ESN as CM I applied for the Local Social Inclusion Coordinator position, too. Now I am local CM and new SI coordinator and I am trying to show our Erasmus students that it is something more than just go for a walk with dogs :).
Prešov SIC - Michaela Valocková

This is going to be my first term in our section board. Since I love nature and animals, as well as helping other people, I am happy I have the opportunity to contribute in making our country and society flourish with my little mark. I am curious what this experience will bring and I believe together we can do a lot.
UMB SIC - Barbora Osvaldová umb.si@esn.sk
Hi lads!
My name is Barbora but many friends call me Bash or Baška. My career as a coordinator of SocialErasmus, now Social Inclusion started 3 years ago when I joined our local ESN in Banská Bystrica. I immediately started as Coordinator but still I was an active member taking care of Erasmus students. After one year break, while I was still an active member, I´m back in the chair again. Since I started I was doing all to make this project as best as I could. Being on Erasmus isn´t just about meeting people from abroad but also about meeting people of the country and knowing the difficulties they´re facing. It was always my goal to show people the way of helping each other and Social Erasmus project is great for doing so. This project enriches everyone in some way and I´m grateful I can be a part of it.
UNIZA SIC - Daniela Barloková uniza.si@esn.sk
Hi, my name is Daniela Barloková. I am 22 years old and I live in Žilina. I study E-commerce and management at the University of Žilina. I became an ESN UNIZA member in November 2016 and I´m a Social Erasmus coordinator since March 2017. In my free time I like to learn new languages, meet new people and cultures, help others and take care of animals. This is why I decided to Social Erasmus position and also ESN UNIZA.
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