Future Generation Europe je občianske združenie podporujúce rozvoj mladých ľudí na Slovensku a v Európe.
It all starts with Lead Up!
Lead Up Academy (LUA) is intensive mentoring program of Future Generation Europe dedicated to high school students from the age of 15. Aim of LUA is to connect mentor – a successful professional with active young people who are eager to do more for themselves and for the others.
In FG Europe we are trying to establish a space for students in which they can develop, explore their talents and learn from their mistakes. Moreover, we are trying to create a platform in which they can expand upon some of the skills necessary to execute their ideas and projects. This would be impossible without a mentor – person willing and capable of sharing their experience, successes and downfalls.
Program Lady Up is dedicated for young ladies – UNI students and graduates who have the ambition to improve their management skills or start up their business idea under the guidance of experienced mentor – successful businesswoman. Our program looks at business from your perspective – perspective of a remarkable young woman who wants to fulfill her dream but does not know where to start.There are however obstacles in the road specific only for women. Have you ever thought about how hard it will be to balance work and family one day? Can you really define your own worth and amass enough self-esteem to start working towards your dream? Or, do you know how to properly communicate and delegate tasks to others?It is not easy to be a woman in business. Lady Up is here for you to overcome all obstacles with the help of successful women who walked this path before and who know what to do. Our project provides for you unique training program and guidance from experienced mentor – remarkable woman in business who will work with you in 1 on 1 system through personal or online meetings.
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